
Keys to Successfully Returning to Fitness Postpartum

You are probably familiar with the many benefits of physical activity: improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, improve psychological well-being, increase energy level, improve sleep, and gain strength. But, there can be a lot of fear and anxiety associated with returning to a fitness program postpartum. Your body is different and may not respond to exercise exactly like it used to....
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Canine Physical Therapy

Stride Physical Therapist, Grace Lucuab (add link to her bio), dusted off her veterinary medicine past by recently attending the “Introduction to Canine Rehabilitation” 2-day course at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. The leaders of the Animal Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the American Physical Therapy Association developed this course specifically for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to begin...
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Who Needs Knees? Why ACL injury prevention matters

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is truly a crucial structure of your knee. It connects your femur (thigh bone) and your tibia (shin bone) and prevents excessive movement, improving the joint’s stability. ACL injuries are one of the most common knee injuries, especially among athletes. There are approximately 80,000 to 250,000 injuries per year with 100,000 reconstructions performed annually.[i] The...
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Got plumbing issues? Then pelvic rehab may benefit you…

Have you ever accidently leaked urine when exercising, sneezing, or coughing? Do you struggle to make it to the bathroom in time to avoid leaking urine or feces? Do you experience constipation? Are you having pain with intercourse? Do you have pain in your pelvis or perineal area with daily activities? Are you dealing with pelvic, back, or hip pain...
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Tips for Running in the Heat

Runners have it good in Seattle as far as the heat index is concerned – cool mornings, great shade, low humidity, water front breezes. Ahhhhh… But the dog days of summer are upon us, turning up the risk of heatstroke and dehydration.  Here are few tips to chill this risk and run without worry. Hydrate adequately prior to and during...
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Back to School = Back to Sports

Summer is in full swing so now is the time to get ahead of the game and get fit for fall sports.  To be cleared to participate in sports, most student athletes are required to have a physical exam prior to the start of the season.  This medical screen is used to evaluate the athlete’s overall health and to determine...
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Stride Team Gives Back at Humane Society Gala

The Humane Society of Seattle's annual fundraising gala, Tuxes & Tails, raised $1.8M for the animals.  Five of us from Stride Physio participated in selling ~$10,000.00 in raffle tickets.  The 2017 gala was a tail-wagging success, raising an unprecedented total of $939,000 in one night! The fundraising goes toward the construction of their new animal shelter and the Fund-A-Need project "Saving the...
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Welcome Asya Alendar as Stride’s Billing Specialist

The team at Stride Physio is thrilled and thankful to introduce our new billing specialist, Asya (pronounced Ah see ya) Alendar.  Asya brings her extensive healthcare expertise in navigating the insurance maze, in negotiating contracts, and in financial management to provide exceptional patient empowerment around their insurance and bills.  Asya has lived in Seattle since 2002, but originally hails from Bolgaria.  Welcome...
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Tuxes & Tails

Our team at Stride oriented with the Seattle Humane Society for our spring community event. Because we are all animal lovers at Stride, we will be volunteering at the Humane Society's "Tuxes and Tails" event on Saturday May 12th - a fundraiser for all the animal shelters in King County. See the link for more details.
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Directly Accessing Your PT At Stride Physio

Did you know that you can go directly to a physical therapist (PT) without needing to go through your physician for a referral? If you are like most folks, this is not common knowledge, but it is information that can save you oodles in time and money and frustration. Going to a PT first is shown to be more effective...
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