
Optimal Biomechanics of the Double Kettlebell Swing

By Laurie Gribschaw, DPT, ATC, PRC Seattle is a swingin’ town when it comes to getting and staying fit with kettlebells.  Knowing how to use proper body mechanics will keep you safe and improve your performance outcomes.  This article examines the anatomical and functional demands of the double kettlebell swing in sagittal plane of the body (front/back sides). The double...
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Is Your World Spinning?

By Grace Lucuab, DPT Did you know that at least 10 percent of emergency visits are related to dizziness or vertigo? What’s the difference? Vertigo is described to have a rotational and spinning component and is the perception of movement described as the rotation of the self or the surrounding objects. Where dizziness is a sensation of lightheadedness, faintness, or...
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Stride Physio’s Lease Expansion and Extension

After months of negotiation, Stride is signing on to stay at and expand our current office space on NE Northlake Ave  for another 10 years!  The lawyers in the office next door to Stride are retiring, allowing Stride to expand into their space.  We will be tearing down the wall in the current movement space and will be gaining 2...
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Stride PTs Recalibrate on Ergonomics

by Susanne Michaud For many people, the term ergonomics conjures the idea of the perfect workstation set-up for the office worker.  While this is true, it is only part of the meaning. Ergonomics can be applied to all workers in various setting with multiple tools.  Ergo comes from the Latin word for “work”, thus ergonomics is the “study” of work. As...
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Walking Our Talk Follow-Up on Team Stride’s 2018 Movement Goals

We’re 3 months out since the associates at Stride Physio declared their 2018 movement goals for “all the world” to see. Susanne Michaud Goal: run to work 52 times and bike to work 26 times in 2018. I am on pace to achieving this goal, having run the 4 miles to/from work 17 times in the 15 weeks of 2018....
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Walking Our Talk – Team Stride’s 2018 Movement Goals

As physical therapists we help others realize their movement goals by removing barriers and progressing activities appropriately.  We assess peoples injuries and movement dysfunction, learn what activities matter to them, write functional movement goals and aid in removing the pain, fear and dysfunction that limits movement and activity.  At Stride, we are all passionate about the joy and freedom that...
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Resolutions, Goals, and Overcoming Obstacles

Do you make resolutions, goals or neither?  The turn of the clock into the New Year provides the opportunity for us to reflect on where we are and where we’d like to go in order to improve our lives.  The desire to get off to a good start is likely what motivates many of us to make New Year’s resolutions...
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2018: Setting Goals and Keepin’ it R.E.A.L.

The start of a new year equates to a promise of something better.  We start committing ourselves to new goals such as “I’m going to go to the gym EVERY DAY! I’m cutting out ALL the sugar and ALL the gluten! I’m going to learn Spanish and finally take that salsa dancing class! Yes! This year is my year! New...
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Keys to Successfully Returning to Fitness Postpartum

You are probably familiar with the many benefits of physical activity: improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, improve psychological well-being, increase energy level, improve sleep, and gain strength. But, there can be a lot of fear and anxiety associated with returning to a fitness program postpartum. Your body is different and may not respond to exercise exactly like it used to....
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Canine Physical Therapy

Stride Physical Therapist, Grace Lucuab (add link to her bio), dusted off her veterinary medicine past by recently attending the “Introduction to Canine Rehabilitation” 2-day course at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. The leaders of the Animal Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the American Physical Therapy Association developed this course specifically for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to begin...
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