Peloton and Spin Bike Fits at Stride Physio

By Tim Ainslie

Are you pedaling efficiently and comfortably when cycling on your Peloton or your spin bike?  Can you keep up with the instructor and the pack?  Do you have pain in your neck, shoulders, arms, spine, hips, or knees when on your bike?  These are the questions to ask if you are considering having an evaluation of your fit to your bike.  A spin bike fit can orient a rider in the correct position to pedal efficiently, comfortably and safely.

Every person is unique with differences in leg length, body proportions, flexibility, stability and physical limitations.  The fit to your bike must be unique to your personal physical characteristics.  Just as a road bike should be fit to the rider, your stationary bike should be fit to you as well.  Small adjustments in position of the seat, handle bars and pedal/cleat can make a huge difference in your output and comfort.

What will a stationary bike fit at Stride Physio provide that you may not have gotten when you acquired your bike?  The visit will include a musculoskeletal screen to determine your unique physical characteristics.  Then we will place you on your bike and look at your alignment and orientation to the bike, both statically and dynamically.  Adjustments may be made at the contact points between you and the bike; the seat, pedals and handlebars.  The two primary concerns are your pedaling efficiency, or power, and your comfort.  Once the optimum positions are identified and adjusted, we will ask you to ride as you normally would for a week or two.  We will then recheck with you via phone or email. If needed, further adjustments to fine tune will be made to make sure that we maximize your biking experience and pleasure.

Obviously, this fitting will be done in your home.  Our therapist will follow CDC and State of Washington health guidelines regarding COVID-19 precautions.  Masks and gloves will be used by the therapist.  We ask that you wear a mask as well.  We will provide a COVID-19 screening questionnaire and will also be sending a general health screening form prior to the visit.  At the end of the visit we will provide you with a form with your bike parameters listed so that you can easily adjust any bike you use to a similar setting.

The cost of this service will be $200.00 + $50.00 travel expense.  If you live further than 15 miles from our Fremont office or are outside of King County, then an additional mileage fee will be added.

Having a properly fit stationary bike can enhance the fun by making you more comfortable and efficient as you pedal.  Our therapists, who are bikers themselves, can help get you on the path to keep you on your bike for years of fitness and enjoyment.

To schedule a PELOTON or SPIN BIKE FIT (or outside bike fit) contact Stride Physic at or 206-547-7445.