Run Well at Stride Physio

What is this service?
While the physical and psychological health benefits of running are well known, not everyone is able to run well due to history of injury, technique errors or training flaws. Provided by Stride’s running expert physical therapists, Run Well removes the barriers to running and facilitates a path toward your running goals to help you successfully cross your desired finish line.
Who could benefit from this service?
Whether you are new to running, a recreational runner, or a seasoned runner, Stride’s Run Well service is designed to reduce injury while optimizing safety, efficiency and performance.
- For those people interested in starting to run, or are new to running or are returning from an injury, this service is beneficial to assess your baseline fitness and movement and to start you off on the right foot with regards to technique and training.
- For recreational runners of all ages, this service will help improve your efficiency and prevent injury to keep you on the trails and roads with ease.
- For those experiencing intermittent pain while running, this service aims to pinpoint the cause, and develop a plan and program to run pain free.
- For elite runners, this service focuses on removing inefficiencies in gait mechanics while improving muscle balance and strength, tendon durability and cardiovascular endurance.
- For competitive runners, we team up with your running coach and clubs to tailor a targeted program that addresses your specific goals and body issues.
Why consider this service?
Everyone has their own motivation to run, be it to get in shape, to clear the mind, to commune with nature, to achieve goals, or to race and compete. Whatever pulls you to run, we all want it to feel easy, springy, quick, and efficient, NOT pounding, dragging, painful and breathless. With personally targeted coaching, cues, pacing, variability and graduated training, running can be efficient and injury free, allowing you to run to your hearts’ content and achieve those milestones you desire.
What to expect?
Stride Run Well services are one on one for an hour with a running focused physical therapist.
The initial session includes:
- Formal intake and understanding of your running history and goals.
- Biomechanical evaluation of your strength, mobility, neural structures, and functional movement as it pertains to running.
- 3-4 view analysis recorded on slow motion capable video and review of major findings.
- Recommendations regarding changes to stride mechanics and cues for how to get there.
- Home exercise program to help address any limitations or gait deviations found.
- Print out of personalized major findings with pictures of major events in the gait cycle and captions relaying any gait deviations, risk for injury, or inefficiencies. Formal discussion about how these deviations pertain to any limitations in strength or mobility, and relevant home exercises. This will be completed after your session and emailed to you within 3 business days of your VGA.
Follow up sessions to include:
- A reassessment of your functional movement, strength and mobility.
- Discussion about home exercises and address any further questions.
- Address ongoing issues with tempo and pacing techniques, drills and functional strengthening, manual therapy and recovery coaching.
- Review footwear and orthotics based for best fit for foot type and running style.
- If necessary, repeat 3-4 view video gait analysis and review of major findings with client and comparison with initial findings.
- Follow up recommendations and progression of home exercises and training
What should I bring to my visit?
- Running shoes – the ones you typically train in!
- If you have questions about other shoes, please bring them in and we can take a look at them if we have time.
- A shirt that can be tucked in.
- Sports bras for women or shirtless for men are ideal, but we can absolutely complete the analysis with a shirt on if desired.
- Shorts or half tights that are a different color than your shirt.
- Fill out the Running Intake Form and the New Client Intake Forms.
- Completed UWRI Survey.
Stride Physio’s Running Experts
See the bio’s below of our physical therapists that have advance training in running