Telehealth at Stride Physio

Physical therapy and wellness coaching on the go and in the comfort of your own home or office


Telehealth appointments are one-on-one interactions between you and your physical therapist via a virtual platform that is safe and secure.  All that is required technologically is a digital device connected to the internet that has a camera and a microphone.  Stride Physio uses the platform which does not require you to sign up for any app.  The technology is both easy and safe to use.

What is telehealth?

Born out of necessity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Telehealth services are now a mainstay in our medical system, including physical therapy and wellness services.

Telehealth is a healthcare appointment on a virtual platform that allows one-on-one interactions in real time with your provider.  Stride Physio uses a secure and HIPAA compliant platform that allows for safe video/audio conferencing, connecting you with your physical therapist.

What technology is needed?
  • You’ll need a device with a screen, a camera and a microphone. This can be a computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • A set of wireless headphones is helpful, but is not required.
  • Good internet connection.
  • We will email instructions on how to access the platform.  You will be asked to return a signed consent form prior to your first appointment.
How to make the best of the appointment?
  • Choose a private space where you feel comfortable to conduct your visit.  Make sure you have room to move around.
  • Collect any exercise equipment you have before the appointment, such as exercise bands, a yoga mat, foam rollers, balls, blocks, weights, etc.
  • Wear clothes you can move in that are form fitting so that your PT can see your movement.
  • If someone is available in your household, we may ask that you recruit them to help with certain hands-on techniques.
How does billing work?
  • If you use your health insurance for a medically necessary condition, we will bill your insurance company directly and bill you for any co-pays required.
  • If you choose a cash pay option you can purchase a pre-paid appointment package by clicking here.
What are some benefits of telehealth appointments?
  • You can receive physical therapy on-the-go or in the comfort of your own home or office.
  • You can connect with your PT in real time to address your current physical issues and advance your activity goals.
  • You will have continuity of care and progression of your treatment plan.
  • Your PT can easily observe your form doing your current home exercises and assure that you're doing them in a safe and effective manner, advancing your program as appropriate.
  • Your PT can demonstrate exercises that are tailored to fit your current needs.
  • If you're exploring new forms of exercise at home, like online fitness videos, your PT can assess their appropriateness, make accommodations for your injury and advise in pacing and form to make sure that they won't trigger or aggravate injuries.
  • Your PT can go on a walk or run with you (and your loved-one holding the smartphone) to assess your form and provide cues to correct any issues.
  • Your PT can evaluate and optimize the ergonomics of your home office setup, making the best of what you have, to prevent injury while working from home.
  • Your PT can teach a family member how to perform a manual technique or massage on you to simulate needed treatment for your issue.
  • If your PT uses techniques like taping or cupping, they can instruct you where to purchase these items and teach you or a family member on how to apply on yourself.
  • Working with your PT in your home environment will better habituate you to actually exercising in your home.
Can I see a Stride therapist on telehealth if I live in a different state?

Possibly.  Physical therapists are licensed in the state they work.  They can practice in other states via telehealth if there is a “compact” agreement between states.  See the picture below to see if your state is part of the compact.  If your state is part of the compact, then when you make your appointment, Stride will see to it that your therapist is or gets registered in your state.

