
First Appointment – What to Expect

Prior to your first appointment, we’ll ask that you fill out registration and medical history forms. To fill these out in advance, you will be emailed the patient intake forms from our EMR system, WebPT. You are also welcome to complete these in the office prior to your first appointment; please arrive 15 minutes early. Please click here to download a copy of your checklist for your first visit.

Wear (or bring in) comfortable clothes that allow easy movement. This includes shorts and athletic shoes if we are treating your lower extremity or back. For neck, upper back and upper extremity issues, women will need a sports bra or tank top.

Your therapist will inquire about your reason for seeking physical therapy and ask questions about your injury and/or problem area, e.g. how it occurred, your current symptoms, and what makes your symptoms feel better or worse. You'll also be asked questions pertaining to prior injuries, current or past medical conditions, as well as daily activities such as work, sports and hobbies. Your therapist will also review any x-rays, CT scans, MRIs or surgical reports as they relate to your issue.

After that, your therapist will perform a physical exam. This includes looking at your posture and gait; the range of motion and biomechanics of your joints; the strength of your muscles and the functioning of your nervous system; and any special tests to determine the cause of your pain and dysfunction and how to effectively treat what is diagnosed.

Your therapist will then discuss the prognosis of your injury/issue and set up a treatment plan to help resolve the problem.

If time allows on this first visit, you will begin therapy. This may involve correcting your posture, prescribing targeted exercises, hands on techniques, or recommending alterations in how you currently move.

Initial visits last 45-60 minutes.


Follow-up Appointments

Depending on your specific condition, you will typically see your physical therapist for 2 to 12 treatments. Post-operative care usually requires more visits. We use a variety of techniques to improve your condition – know that it is always your choice whether or not to receive specific techniques. Your consent and active participation is essential for best results.

Come prepared to move, wearing comfortable-fitting clothes and athletic shoes. Each session is designed to build on the gains you made since the last treatment, to correct any movement inefficiencies, and to advance your home exercise program. We hold your goals in mind as we progress through your treatments, adapting our plan as your goals evolve.

Follow-up visits last approximately 45 minutes.

What to Wear

Please bring shorts and athletic shoes if we are treating your lower extremity or back. For treatment of neck, upper back and upper extremity issues, women will need a sports bra or low back tank top. If you’re coming in for an orthotic fit, please bring in your most frequently worn shoes. For bike fits, you’ll need to bring your bike shorts, bike shoes and your bike.